Python 1.4.4 (Actualizando versión)

| junio 28, 2008 | 3 Comentarios


Python, el lenguaje de programacion de codigo abierto a actualizado versión corrigiendo los bugs que presentaba en antiguas versiones, a continuación os dejamos con el change log:

Feature additions:

* Globalui module added for displaying notes and queries from background applications.
* Added functionality to mark SMS’s in the inbox as read or unread.
* Added support for S60 SDK 3.1 with a separate SDK ZIP. Resolves bug 1760277.
* Added the twipsize attribute to graphics objects as part of resolving bugs 1784027 and 1758727.
* The S60 3.1 SDK ZIP package also supports the S60 3.2 SDK, with thefollowing limitations:

(a) Missing feature: The sensor module is not supported on 3.2.
(b) Known defect: The statement «print »» crashes the script shell.

Corrected defects:

1954740: PC Suite synchronized contact field types broken
1948500: e32.start_service() crashes pys60 1.4.2
1940086: unread(sms_id) returns 32
1934309: calendar can’t see appointments on last day of a month
1929285: Audio.say won’t say äö
1862129: print in _internalsocketobject
1784027: PyS60 1.4.0 text drawing fails on Image with tuple
1769294: select_access_point() and access_points() bug
1758727: custom font drawing dont work with Image
1760277: error import socket because e32socket error

Vía: Symbian Freak

Sobre el autor ()

Comentarios (3)

  1. Gerald dice:

    dime Bro cuando estara lista esta version

  2. Cento dice:

    Hola Gerald, en principio esta versión deberia estar ya disponible ya que es la última que ha salido. Salu2

  3. cristian c. dice:

    pone el link entonces de descarga pavito!, 0 aporte, para eso veo la web de python

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